High levels of both serum gamma-glutamyl transferase and alkaline phosphatase are independent predictors of mortality in patients with stage 4–5 chronic ney disease Niveles séricos elevados de gamma-glutamil transferasa y fosfatasa alcalina son predictores independientes de mortaliman en la enfermeman renal crónica estadio 4-5 ☆
Datasets. This is a collection of small datasets used in the course, classified by the type of statistical technique that may be used to analyze them.
Who watches porn? Much research exists about how porn use varies by age and gender, but this new research shares 3 predictors that someone will watch porn.
If you are a fan of horoscopes, chances are you have been learning all there is to know about each of the 12 signs since middle college. From what styles each
This guide will help you use Microsoft Word for your dissertation. Topics include: formatting page numbers, using chapter templates, footnotes, images, and figures.
Knowing which elements play a role in our well-being at work can help us use our time more wisely.
Let me say that again, ethnicity results are NOT an accurate predictor of heritage, or parentage. This is a great deal of confusion swirling around this topic.
Suicide risk assessment is a process of estimating probability for a person to commit suicide.The assessment process is ethically complex: the concept of “imminent suicide” (implying the foreseeability of an inherently unpredictable act) is a legal construct in a clinical guise, which can be used to justify the rationing of emergency
Relapse was defined as a total score of ≥40 according to the ren’s Depression Rating Scale-Revised in addition to worsening of depressive symptoms for ≥2 weeks.
Predictors for a positive QuantiFERON-TB-Gold test in BCG-vaccinated adults with a positive tuberculin skin test