When I first bought my property, even before the house was livable, I knew I wanted a root cellar. However, with a small budget and very little time, I needed to focus my labor and resources on making my house livable for the winter.
Historic Homes & More; 15 Old House Features We Were Wrong to Abandon We were probably right to leave behind many hallmarks of yesterday’s home, but it’s time to reconsider these 15 once-popular details, not for their novelty, but for their practicality.
Make sure you take the tires and wheels also. They can be used to build carts or replace your own if you get a blowout. Reply to this comment
I don’t understand how to grow potatoes in tires–how to stack them. I would love to try this. Do you have some specific directions? I am an …
Quite the clever gardening tip here folks! Today’s feature includes tips from three different sources for growing potatoes vertically (in layers) instead of spread out in rows across your garden. If you have limited garden space or want to try some nifty gardening magic, this could be a great
Math Central – mathcentral.uregina.ca: Quandaries & Queries Q & Q . A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z +
Ruins of stone arched cellars are a Kansas tourist attraction.
Welcome to the Lake Ouachita Vista Trail (LOViT) We hope you enjoy your time visiting our website, and that you have a wonderful and safe experience along the Lake Ouachita Vista Trail and the beautiful area through which it runs.
Posts may contain affiliate links, which allow me to earn a commission to support the site at no extra cost to you. Thank you! Root Cellars 101- Root Cellar Design, Use and Mistakes to Avoid
My version of Kipper(Now folklore) Welcome to the University of York Folklore pages, or at least the version retrieved from kipper.york.ac.uk by Gareth (‘Jez’) Simkins in 2001, and given to me, Benedict Ibbs, to host.