With each new generation come new challenges or different versions of the same struggles that have affected teens for decades. Bullying, peer pressure, body shaming, negative self-perception — the list of teen issues goes on and on.
Major Issues Facing Teenagers: Teen Suicide, college Shootings, Cyberbullying, Internet Addiction, Bullying, T.V. & Teen , by Ofer Zur, Ph.D., offered
Teen problems are vast and complicated. From their inner selves to family and outside influences, teen problems have many faces and forms.
cences and teen psychology pages. Youth issues, teen depression, suicide, pornography, music. Parenting and raising teenagers, education.
Information on a wide range of safety issues related to toddlers, s and teens.
Teen Suicide Causes and Issues. Since the teenage years are among the most difficult years of life, it is not really a surprise that the third leading cause of death among 15 to 24 s – and the fourth leading cause of death among 10 to 14 s – is suicide.
It’s hard to be a teen. We give you advice to help guide you through the perils and issues that plague teens.
Suicidal impulses and attempts are much more common in teenagers who think they are too fat or too thin, regardless of how much they actually weigh, a study found. Using actual body size based on teens’ reports of their height and weight, the researchers found that overall, overweight or underweight
A teen pregnancy is filled with many challenges. Learn about teen pregnancy struggles and helpful tips to succeed and thrive.