This chart shows the approximate true sizes of most of the camming units currently available. Unlike other charts and catalogs that just give absolute minimums and maximums you can’t use, this provides the functional range of each piece.. In other words, here’s what you can expect in the real world for a placement that’s probably worth …
Apr 29, 2018 · Find rock climbing routes, photos, and guides for every state, along with real-life experiences and advice from fellow climbers.
This chart shows the approximate true sizes of most of the camming units currently available. Unlike other charts and catalogs that just give absolute minimums and maximums you can’t use, this provides the functional range of each piece.. In other words, here’s what you can expect in the real world for a placement that’s probably worth …
The Melanzana Hard Face Hoodie offers great performance and fit from a good company.
Apr 29, 2018 · Find rock climbing routes, photos, and guides for every state, along with real-life experiences and advice from fellow climbers.
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When our reviewers aren’t out testing bikes, what do their own builds look like, and why? It’s reviewer Xan Marshland’s turn, and his focus is on durability and low maintenance.
The Melanzana Hard Face Hoodie offers great performance and fit from a good company.
JANUARY 2015 Lost My Spot There are a few fault lines in my aptitudes. I can tell because sometimes the spell checker in my computer starts to smoke. And I perform typos with a physical dexterity that no one can … Continue reading →