Many people engage in sexual risk behaviors that can result in unintended health outcomes. For example, among U.S. high college students surveyed in 2015 1. 41% had ever had sexual intercourse.
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loveisrespect is the ultimate resource to empower youth to prevent and end dating . It is a project of the National Domestic Hotline.
New research suggests nurturing parents pass along strategies that help their ren build and maintain positive relationships in adulthood. Investigators discovered a supportive, compassionate family environment helps cents engage in healthier, less violent romantic relationships as adults. Moreover,
You’d be hard pressed to find a teen who isn’t glued to their smartphone these days. But what about that teen who’s being bombarded with text messages from a significant other – is that just normal behavior or perhaps a sign of “textual harassment”? February is Teen Dating Awareness Month, and despite startling statistics—such
Loveisrespect is the ultimate resource to empower youth to prevent and end dating . It is a project of the National Domestic Hotline.
Healthy relationships are fun and make you feel good about yourself. Dating is an exciting part of life, but can be a little confusing—especially if dating is new to you.
Live a healthier life with TODAY’s health tips and find the latest news for personal wellness, fitness, diet and relationships.
The Healthy Teen Project in the Bay Area understands the treatment of cent Eating Disorders such as Anorexia, Bulimia and Binge Eating Disorders.
2 Facts 1. Teen Dating is the physical, sexual, or psychological/emotional within a dating relationship 2. Nearly 1.5 million high college students nationwide experience from a partner