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Rachel Karen Green is a fictional character, one of the six main characters who appeared in the American sitcom Friends.Portrayed by actress Jennifer Aniston, the character was created by show creators David Crane and Marta Kauffman, and appeared in each of the show’s 236 episodes during its decade-long run, from its premiere on September 22
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Official Green Day Website with artist information, audio, and video clips, photos, downloads, and tour dates
The labrys, or double-bladed battle axe, was a symbol used in the ancient civilization of Minoan Crete (sometimes portrayed as having certain matriarchal tendencies). Today it is used to represent lesbian and feminist strength and self-sufficiency.
Feb 28, 2018 · Aunt Judy’s Maggie Green (mature photos & movies); Bangbros Maggie Green (multi-site pass); Big Naturals Maggie Green (big natural tits movies & pictures, part of Reality Kings)
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