The Adult Probation and Parole Department (APPD) serves as the community corrections agency within the Philadelphia Criminal Justice System. APPD staff supervises all probation and/or paroled offenders who receive a …
Williamson County Community Supervision and Corrections Department envisions leading and shaping the field of Community Corrections and enhancing the quality of life of the community we serve.
in Custody After Brandishing Gun on Social Media. Sacramento’s Quest to End Solitary Confinement for s. Parents of Offenders See Their s’ Art …
The San Francisco Adult Probation Department is an integral partner in the City’s criminal justice system and contributes to public safety through its court services, supervision and treatment referral functions.
The Lehigh County Adult Probation & Parole Department’s mission is to aid in reducing the incidents of crime in the community through field based supervision, treatment, and rehabilitation of the offender, thus protecting the public from recurring criminal and antisocial behavior.
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Community Supervision and Corrections Department (Adult Probation) The Bexar County CSCD is a professional criminal justice agency that serves the public under the authority of the criminal judiciary system.
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The purpose of the Columbia County Adult Probation Department is for the delivery of correctional programming into related community supervision and operations as deemed necessary for the protection of society and the rehabilitation of adult offenders.
The primary mission of the Ross County Probation Department is to assure public safety by supervision of offenders placed on community control for felony crimes, as well as supervising people awaiting court actions for criminal indictments.