The ABCs of Healthy Relationships – Awareness, Balance, and Choices – includes information, skill building, value clarification activities, resources, and conversation starters. Use The ABCs as your guide when evaluating your current relationships or developing new ones later in life
Service Provider Tools and Activities Teen Talk Tool Kit is available to educators and service providers who are looking for activities to run with youth to supplement their educational sessions.
Teen Stress Statistics and Anxiety information, facts, and stats. Teenager and cent stress is very common – get the facts and statistics here on teenage and teen stress. Management, signs, symptoms, and statistics.
Teen Dating . in teenage relationships, also called teen dating , is becoming more common among teens, according to a recent survey by the National Center on Domestic and Sexual .
Thought provoking Christian activities to get today’s teens involved in the Word of God. Activities are great tools for any Sunday college teacher. A must for youth ministries. Activities make learning about Jesus fun and memorable.
Sample Lessons covering Teen Relationships, Dating, and Emotions from virtually all the programs offered by the Dibble Insititute. All lessons are free!
The teen years are fraught with conflicting feelings and thoughts as these almost-grown ren head closer to adulthood. Parents are often left wondering
Sex isn’t always easy to talk about. But having honest conversations with your partner, parents, or health care provider is an important step—whether you’re doing it, not doing it, saying no to it, or figuring out if you’re ready for it.
The Three Compliments Journal. Supply your teen with a small journal and instruct her to wake up each morning, look in the mirror and give herself three compliments that she then records in her journal.
2 Facts 1. Teen Dating is the physical, sexual, or psychological/emotional within a dating relationship 2. Nearly 1.5 million high college students nationwide experience from a partner