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May 5, 2018: 53 Ganymede is an unwinding tale told in vivid snippets of a woman’s life as she starts over after a devastating personal loss.We follow Claire as she moves to a new city, and I was struck first by the way the author establishes a strong sense of place and feeling for her readers.

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adult fiction (YA) is a category of fiction published for readers in their youth.YA books are catered towards readers from 12 to 18 years of age. While the genre is targeted to teenagers, approximately half of YA readers are adults.

Phases. by Suzanne Vincent in May 2018 *Cue dramatic music* “It’s the Ciiiiirrrrclllllllllle, the Circle of Liiiiiiiiiife!” I clearly remember the first time I saw The Lion King.

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ADULT FICTION BOX A teen investigating the deaths of three classmates gets more than she bargains for in our May pick.

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