Asian Health Coalition. Improving the health and well-being of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs) in Illinois
Oct 10, 2017 · Asian-Americans are 3 times less likely than whites to ask for mental health help.
Article on different health and wellness issues that concern many Asian Americans, including mental health, domestic and , women’s health, HIV/AIDS, smoking, and breast cancer.
Asian Americans are less likely to seek help for their emotional or mental health problems than whites, according to preliminary data from the National Latino and Asian American Study (NLAAS), conducted from May 2002 though December 2003-the first national study to examine the rates of mental
NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness.
Mental Health Treatment — AMI. Figure 2 presents data on mental health treatment received within the past year by U.S. adults aged 18 or older with any mental illness …
Asian Americans are the only segment of the U.S. population to suffer cancer as the leading cause of death. Asian American women have the lowest breast cancer screening rate among any segment of the population and are typically diagnosed at a later stage compared to other racial and ethnic groups.
The demographics of Asian Americans describe a heterogeneous group of people in the United States who trace their ancestry to one or more Asian countries. Because Asian Americans total about 5.6% of the entire US population, diversity within the group is often overlooked in media treatment.
Model ity Myth. Many Asian Americans have achieved the American Dream of earning a good education and financial stability. These successful images have led many people to believe in the Model ity Myth.
Learn about different mental health conditions’ stats in easy to read info-graphics.