Lord further encouraged the man to go through with the tattoo, telling him about a teen who would have sex with him if he had it done. Starting the tattoo, Brady’s design was wildly different from what they agreed on, drawing a penis, testicles and a misspelled slogan under it implying the man was gay.
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A man enlisted the help of television’s Tattoo Fixers after a boozy holiday left him with a picture of a comedy penis inked on his leg. Appearing on the E4 show this week, the man, known as Jack, explains how a drunken night out in Magaluf with his friends saw him get the surprise tattoo.
A comedy trope where a character has an embarrassing tattoo. It might be shoddily done, misspelled, or show the name of a former love interest. It might be …
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Mark Cropp is so happy in his new career, he has made the decision to stop having the massive tattoo removed (Picture: Caters News) A teenager who claimed nobody would hire him because he had a massive tattoo inked on his face while in prison, has now got a job. As what? As a chicken chaser, that
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Waring: Graphic image A picture of an unfortunate man who got his penis stuck in a weight has leaked online. The incident was initially reported in September but at that