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Free erotic short stories to make your ardor harder and your panties damp. Some stories from this blog were being published ly on Amazon under the name of Bridgid Embers – although they have been removed they …
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Feb 25, 2018 · There’s nothing like a day at the beach. The sun, the sand, the ocean, it can all be so relaxing. But if you really want to leave the beach with a smile on your face then that’s going to require a little Harley Quinn Smith in a bikini magic.
Early life. Upton was born in St. Joseph, Michigan.She is the teen of Shelley (née Davis), a former Texas state tennis champion, and Jeff Upton, a …
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The first venue explicitly devoted to “subcultural erotica” was Blue Blood, a glossy magazine that began in 1992 and featured models with a goth or cyberpunk look. The biggest market for alt porn, however, has been on the Internet.